KiteCamp locations and accommodations:
Often who are arranging a kite camp holiday, and in general kitesurfing holidays, offer just only one type of accommodation. Sometimes it doesn't fit your needs in terms of quality, price, and very often the amenities of the surrounding area.
We offer you several types of accommodations and location to suit better your needs. First of all let's introduce the two locations: Sant'Antioco, and Is Solinas - Porto Pino.
Sant Antioco:
it's the main town of the coast, and it offers a lot of things to do. There is a beautiful seafront with many bars, restaurants, delicious homemade ice cream shops. During the stroll along the seafront, you will see a variety of boats from sail yachts to traditional fishing boats bringing home the catch of the day. The center of the movida is in the Piazza Italia, during summer you can enjoy your aperitifs or drink while listening to live music. And from May every week, and in summer every couple of days, there is a cultural or musical event.
There are excellent restaurants and pizzeria that won international awards.
Sant Antioco offers a variety of beaches and a small bay with crystal turquoise water and stunning landscapes.
Moreover, it's also a town full of history and culture. Sant'Antioco's history dates back thousands of years. Its history began in the VIII Century B.C. During this time period, the Phoenicians founded the city of Sulky, later transformed into the Latin Sulci and today's Sant'Antioco. Since then and throughout the centuries, many alternating, diverse cultures have settled here. Traces of the past can be found just about everywhere. Interesting evidence includes two menhirs dating back to pre-Nuraghic times, a few Domus de Janas (better known as "fairy houses"), some Tombe dei Giganti, a big Phoenician-Punic Tophet (a type of sacrificial cemetery) and an old Punic Necropolis. St. Antioco's Basilica, after which the town is named, is also important. Built on 1102 overtop an early Christian church, it conserves the saint and martyr's relics and statue.
Definitely, Sant Antioco is the perfect destination if you are looking for "an active holiday" besides the kitesurfing. Nice town to hang out at night, a big offer of restaurants, bars, and often you will the enjoy the evening with a musical or cultural event. You reach the kite spots of Is Solinas or Porto Pino in about 20-30 min drive.
Kite accommodations in Sant Antioco
Is Solinas - Porto Pino:
those villages are in the rural area of the flat land of Sulcis, surrounded by vineyards, wheat fields and huge lagoons where you can watch flamingo colonies and other wild birds. Both villages offer the main services like market, few restaurants and simple bars, pharmacy.
Porto Pino, it's one of the most beautiful beaches of Sardinia with a stunning long beach where the crystal turquoise water is surrounded by a pine forest and the white dune area. Every September there is an international Jazz Festival, it's a pity to miss. During summer there are many nice gastronomic festivals where you will discover the authentic taste and tradition of our cuisine and in general about Sardinian food.
Definitely Is Solinas & Porto Pino are the perfect location if you are looking for "an easy relaxing beach holiday". Perfect places for mountain bike and hiking lovers, or just if you love to have a place where after kitesurfing you immerse yourself in nature.
Kite accommodations in Is Solinas
Kite Spot:
Is Solinas is the kite spot that we use in April-may and October.
Porto Pino, we play and teach kitesurf during summer season from June till September. The school and its official kite zone are located in the beach bar-restaurant Oasi Azzurra in the White Dune zone of Porto Pino beach.